Have a Head Cold? Make Sure Your Teeth Aren’t Suffering Too
This NW Calgary Orthodontist explains that your mouth can take a beating during a head cold due to the proximity to the sinuses, inner ears and throat. It’s very common for patients to complain of toothache when they have a cold – this is because teeth in the upper arch often feel discomfort that is related to sinus congestion. The good news is that the throbbing pain in your teeth doesn’t mean you need dental treatment – but it does mean that you have to take extra care to keep your mouth and teeth healthy; and that includes your orthodontic braces.

Eating With Orthodontic Braces
After the first few days of wearing braces your teeth will start to feel like normal and you’ll be ready to eat more regular food. Remember to stay away from the high sugar, super sticky and super hard stuff – you don’t want to break a bracket off or loosen a wire.

Facial Symmetry – How Orthodontic Treatment Improves More Than Your Smile
Orthodontists in Calgary and Airdrie are reviewing more than teeth during an orthodontic consultation. Teeth are just part of an entire dental system – which consists of bones (skeletal system), soft tissue (facial muscles and ligaments) jaw bone, and teeth.

iTero Digital Scanner – Making Patient Comfort a Priority
Using iTero’s scanning capabilities; orthodontists are able to better predict treatment timing and response to aligner wear. Due to the reduction in adjustments – treatment is more efficient and effective – with up to 7 times less fit issues (as per Align Technology)…

Why Calgary Orthodontists Need X-rays & 3D Imaging
Cory Liss Orthodontics incorporates the use of i-Cat®Technology to provide thorough and accurate imaging that assists in designing a successful orthodontic solution. Ensuring that a patient’s full dental condition is acknowledged, Dr. Liss and his orthodontic team are able to easily handle any concern that may present and adjust treatment accordingly. Orthodontic treatment involves a commitment of time – teeth don’t move overnight – but today’s dental x-ray technology means that treatment goals are met on time and surprises are kept to a minimum.

Things To Consider When Choosing An Orthodontist
Why many individuals elect to see an orthodontist for teeth straightening is due to the fact that orthodontists tend to use more than one straightening system so are able to customize the level of care a patient receives. Some patients may need the benefits that orthodontic brackets and wires offer and use them in the early stages of treatment but are able to finish with a bracket-less system like Invisalign; that uses clear retainers to gently move teeth.

Orthodontic Emergencies in Calgary
NW Calgary Orthodontist – Cory Liss – provides some quick and easy pointers for handling an orthodontic emergency, and how to prevent them from occurring. What’s important to first mention is that at some point during orthodontic treatment your mouth will feel sore and tender – after all teeth are being gently guided in to healthier positions, but the transition from old to new position causes an inflammatory response in the body.

Orthodontic Treatment – Know The Facts
One huge orthodontic myth is that wearing your retainer isn’t important – WRONG!!! Wearing your orthodontic retainer is considered part of your overall orthodontic treatment – not a step that is optional

Orthodontic Myths – Get The Straight Facts
Calgary Orthodontists spend a good portion of their days providing consultations and options regarding orthodontic treatment. Ensuring that patients are aware of the ins and outs (and ups and downs) of teeth straightening systems – orthodontists in Calgary and Airdrie take advantage of consultations to debunk some of the crazy myths surrounding orthodontic braces, and make sure that patients are hearing the truth about brackets, wires, and orthodontic retainers.

How Do I Know If I Need Braces?
There are many signs and symptoms that suggest orthodontic treatment would be advantageous – and an early diagnosis provides parents with much needed information, and the opportunity for a Calgary Orthodontist to monitor and assess dental health – beginning orthodontic treatment at a time when results can be easily and effectively attained.

Are You Noticing White Spots Around Orthodontic Brackets?
Sometimes Orthodontists in Calgary will hear patients express concern regarding the development of white spots around brackets. What are they and why do they appear? White spots on teeth are areas of de-mineralization and indicate a softening of the enamel that can lead to a cavity. Softening of enamel due to acid erosion can be prevalent in patients who aren’t brushing and flossing their teeth regularly and effectively during orthodontic treatment. Our past blogs have explained the need to keep tooth and bracket surfaces squeaky clean to avoid the development of weakened enamel and white spots.

Christmas Time & The Disappearing Orthodontic Retainer
Calgary Orthodontists are gearing up for a busy January – replacing lost retainers. It’s true – more orthodontic retainers are lost over…