Invisalign Teen® In Calgary
Calgary and Airdrie Orthodontists want every orthodontic case to be a fun and rewarding experience for patients and parents.
Having a teenager in orthodontic treatment can be challenging due to appointment commitments, school activities, social time, and of course, compliance. Treatment compliance may be the last thing on a young adult’s mind when it seems that treatment works for everyone but them. Today’s teenagers want to feel independent, in control of decisions, and of course confident around their peer group. That’s way Invisalign Teen® is an orthodontic teeth straightening system that orthodontist in and around Calgary are turning to for great results, and happy patients.
Put yourself in a teen’s shoes and imagine the pressure they experience to look good, fit in, be the best and please Mom and Dad. That’s a pretty tall order for most of us. Now throw in wearing orthodontic braces, with brackets and wires; of course your teen doesn’t smile much…would you?
Invisalign Teen® in Calgary takes away the pressure of fitting in and looking good, while at the same time keeping Mom and Dad and your Calgary and Airdrie Orthodontist happy. Invisalign Teen’s® clear retainers are practically invisible, yet are working to subtly move teeth in to better alignment, to create a beautiful smile and a healthy bite. The effectiveness of Invisalign Teen, along with the near invisibility of the retainers makes it a clear choice for Calgary families seeking orthodontic treatment. Oh, and Invisalign Teen’s® affordability will keep Moms and Dads smiling too!
Calgary and Airdrie Orthodontist, Dr. Cory Liss, is an Invisalign® and Invisalign Teen® provider and has been creating beautiful smiles for over ten years. Using proven and trusted orthodontic systems that contribute to a patient’s level of comfort and treatment ease, this NW Orthodontic Office can attest to the many benefits that Invisalign® and Invisalign Teen® provides patients and families. Cory Liss Orthodontics welcomes new patients, no referral required, and is happy to explain the advantages of orthodontic treatment.
Call today and make an appointment 403.287.0746 and discover why this office makes people smile.
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