Will My Child Need Baby Teeth Removed?
Along with common questions about participating in sport during orthodontic treatment, playing an instrument, eating certain foods, and the length of time it’s going to take to have the perfect smile – questions regarding tooth extractions either before or during orthodontics seem to be the most frequent. It’s natural to be concerned about having teeth removed – after all, once they’re gone there’s no putting them back – but after an informative consultation with a Calgary Orthodontist it will be clear as to why certain patients require teeth to be extracted as part of their orthodontic treatment. Before requesting that baby teeth be removed; an orthodontist will do a thorough oral examination to determine if extractions are necessary. Baby teeth are lost at certain stages of a child’s development – with the first baby teeth falling out around age six and ending at age twelve. Girls tend to lose teeth a little faster than boys and some children are extremely delayed in the natural exfoliation of primary teeth – that’s why a detailed consultation with an Orthodontist in Calgary will ensure which teeth need to be removed and why, or if the natural shedding of teeth will accomplish creating more space. NW Calgary Orthodontist – Dr. Cory Liss – gives extra time to discuss extraction concerns with parents. A father himself; Dr. Liss knows just how confusing it can be to see teeth in front of one another, instead of side-by-side, and to wait anxiously for certain teeth to either fall out or emerge. Most children experience few problems as their baby teeth are shedding – but there are some exceptions where a child may present with a need to remove certain teeth due to delayed development, severe crowding, and impacted or missing permanent teeth that prevents the baby tooth from getting a signal to fall out. Taking x-rays during an orthodontic consultation enables the orthodontist to see how many teeth a child has – as the x-ray reveals the permanent teeth that are below the gum line, waiting to erupt. Removing baby teeth is a decision that your orthodontist makes after carefully reviewing x-rays and completing an oral exam and determining that it’s in the long-term best interest to make room for erupting permanent teeth. There are many reasons why teeth may have to be extracted – talking with a Certified Calgary Orthodontist is a great place to start in understanding the benefits and risks associated. For more information regarding Orthodontic Treatment in Calgary – contact Cory Liss Orthodontics today 403.287.0746