What Should You Expect from Your Orthodontist
Are you ready to bite the bullet and improve your bite? The first step is coming in for a consultation. Here’s what…

Watch Out for Mail Order Orthodontics
As a modern society, we love convenience. From cars that park themselves to in-home robots that remotely change the channel, we can’t…

Why Do I Need Attachments on My Teeth During Invisalign?
Our patient’s love that Invisalign treatment is a near-invisible way to achieve their perfect smile. That’s why some are surprised to find…

What Are Orthodontic Elastics & Why Are They Important?
If you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment, you’ll soon realize that there are several elements that contribute to your overall success. Most of our…

Why an Ideal Bite Is So Important
There are many different aspects that contribute to the health and aesthetic of your face. One of these is the condition of…

Invisalign & Chewies
Aligner trays and chewies go together like peanut butter and jelly, like wine and cheese, like Han Solo and, well, Chewie. If…

Continuing Education – Why Your Orthodontist Should Stay Current
To become an orthodontist in Canada, you have to take a lot of classes. Dental school itself takes four years, and most…

Invisalign Outcome Simulator
Invisalign uses all sorts of cutting edge technology to deliver the absolute best results. One of these components is the Invisalign Outcome…

Can You Smile With Confidence?
The great Tom Wilson once said: “A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” We couldn’t agree more! A confident…

Perfect Selfie Tips
Now that the weather is warming up and the skies are bright, many of us are coming out of our months-long hibernation…

Can Sunshine Help a Healthy Smile?
There are a lot of factors that can influence the look and function of your smile. The most well-known are genetics, oral…

Why Your Kids Will Thank You When They’re Older
Orthodontic treatment has long been considered an adolescent rite of passage. However, although millions of teens and tweens have undergone treatment, dental…